MICEC Online

Louis Bird

MICEC Online is a series of virtual educational presentations and discussions on themes of traditional parenting, food, medicine, crafting, language, storytelling, reconciliation and more.

The Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre is a not-for-profit charitable organization, and a member of the First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres. MICEC supports Indigenous language knowledge, traditional and contemporary cultural skills, and cross-cultural awareness.

Louis Bird is a Ininíwi nápéw (Cree man) born 60 miles northwest of the former village of Winisk, Ontario. Louis is a well known storyteller who has dedicated decades of his life to collecting stories from around the Western Hudson and James Bays. He is the voice of "Our Voices", and the author of books such as Telling Our Stories: Omushkego Legends and Histories from Hudson Bay, and The Spirit Lives in the Mind: Omushkego Stories. Visit www.ourvoices.ca/index, for more stories.

Thank you to the NIB Trust Fund for supporting MICEC Online.

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