Online Meeting Vocabulary

English Anishinaabemowin

The meeting is being recorded.

Megwaa naasaabaakizigaade owe.

You are muted.


You are on mute.


I can't hear you.

Gaawiin ginoondoosinoon.

We can't hear you.

Gaawiin ginoondaagoosii.

Can you hear me?

Ginoondaw na?

Can you all hear me?

Ginoondawim ina?

I can hear you.


We can hear you.


I can not see you.

Gaawiin giwaabamisinoon.

We can not see you.

Gaawiin giwaabamigoosii.

Can you see me?

Giwaabam ina?

Can you all see me?

Giwaabamim ina?

I can see you.


We can see you.


Turn your video on.

Ipidoon ji-waabamigoowin.

Turn your video off.

Gibitinan gimazinaatesewin.

Please unmute yourself.

Ipidoon ji-noondaagoowin.

Please unmute yourselves.

Ipidoog ji-noondaagooyeg.

Please mute yourself.

Giba'an ji-noondaagoowin.

Please mute yourselves.

Ipidoog ji-noondaagoosiweg.

I will mute you.


I will mute you all.


Raise your hand if you want to speak.

Ombinikenin noonde-giigidowin.

Raise your hand.


Give me a thumbs up.


Let me know in the chat.

Wiindamawishiikan giigidowing.

Ask it in the chat.

Gagwedwen giigidowining.

I will put it in the chat.

Giigidowining ninga-atoon.

Please share your screen.

Ipidoon ji-waabamigoowin.

Can I share my screen?

Nindaa-waabanda'iwe na niin?

I will share my screen.

Ninga-waabanda'iwe niin.

Can you see my screen?

Gidaa-waabanda'iwe na niin?

Can you all see my screen?

Giwaabamin ina?

I can see your screen.

Giwaabamin giin.

We can see your screen.

Niwaabamigoo giin.

I can't see your screen.

Gaawiin giwaabamisinoon.

We can't see your screen.

Gaawiin giwaabamigoosii.

Can you hear the sound?

Ginoondaan ina?

Can you all hear the sound?

Ginoondaam ina iwe?

I can hear the sound.

Gaawiin ninoondanziin.

We can hear the sound.

Ninoondaamin iwe.

I can't hear the sound.

Gaawiin ninoondanziin iwe.

We can't hear the sound.

Gaawiin ninoondanziimin iwe.

Can you make me a co-host?

Gidaa-wiiji'in ina mazinaatesewining?

Let's use the whiteboard.

Maajibii'igen ozhibii'igewining.

Let's take a poll.

Ikidog enendameg.

We all will go off to the side with each other (into breakout rooms).


You all are going to go off to the side with each other (into breakout rooms).


In your breakout rooms you will...

Apii bake'idiyang, giga-...

I am leaving the meeting.

Nimaajaa niin omaa onji.

I will make _____ the host .

Ninga-asaa ____ ji-niigaanitang owe.

I am ending the meeting.

Ningiishkinaan owe mazinaatesewin.

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