Teacher Reflections

Teachers Kit Overview

The overview serves as a starting point for using this kit. It contains an explanation about who this kit is intended for as well as an overview of the materials included, a statement about MICEC's immersion philosophy, and a list of further resources.

This kit for language teachers includes instructions for activities and a link to MICEC's Quizlet page where you can access and use the pre-made vocabulary lists to test your students.

Download the full Teachers Ojibwe Immersion Learning Kit here.

Resource: Transcripts & Translations of Teaching Immersion Video

This full transcript includes English translations of the Teaching Immersion Video featuring Patricia Ningewance.

Click here for full transcript of Teaching Immersion Video.

Video: Teaching Immersion, Reflections by Patricia Ningewance

In this video, we ask Patricia Ningewance to reflect on her experience teaching immersion. She shares with us some of the methods she uses teaching adults and highlights the key elements of her teaching style.

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